Friday, 15 August 2014

Hey, Greenpeace Brasil -> I want a Refund!

My statement, originally posted during the World Cup in Brazil:


Aug 15th: as we're moving closer to Brazil's Presidential Elections, once again Greenpeace-BR was spotted illegally meddling with our local politics, with a damming fake-poster campaign seen at various locations in São Paulo.
The Electoral Committee and parties involved are considering taking legal action against Greenpeace-BR for breach of conduct.
I do hope they do go ahead, behind its goody-goody green credentials, Greenpeace-BR hides a nasty political agenda and it's about time its dubious activities are brought to the fore.
link here on their illegal election poster campaign->

Monday, 11 August 2014

O áudio [da CBN] de Míriam Leitão sobre Dantas

O áudio [da CBN] de Míriam Leitão sobre Dantas -->


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Gringa Brazilien World Cup song - OFFSIDE

It's time to dish out the professional footie advice.
But will England manager, Roy Hodgson, listen to Gringa's tips to World Cup glory?

Sunday, 23 March 2014

'The Naturalist on the River Amazons' - photo-illustrated

If I were heading for Manaus and had room in my tropical kit for just one book, my choice would unquestionably be Henry Walter Bates' "The Naturalist on the River Amazons", the wonderful account of his 11 years spent travelling deep inside the Amazon basin.
Bates set off by ship from Liverpool to Pará (Belém) on the 26th April 1848, when he was only 23 years old.  What an adventure that must have been.
While compiling this photo-illustrated version, I discovered that remarkably some of the places he visited have not changed that much, while, sadly, many of the indigenous tribes he describes no longer exist.
I have added photos and illustrations whenever possible, and welcome any further contributions and/or corrections!
A must read for anyone enthralled by the majestic beauty of the Amazons.
You can download or read the whole photo-illustrated book in PDF format here -->
"The Naturalist on the River Amazons - photo-illustrated"

Travel tips for Manaus, Brazil World Cup city host

A few links:
Tia floating restaurant:
Cachaçaria Dedé:
Praia da Lua + Manaus guide:
Another guide:

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Travel tips for Fortaleza, Brazil World Cup city host

About 30kms from Fortaleza city centre - amazing beach with natural lagoons, dunes and paradisiacal beach. Kite-surfing, sand boarding and buggy tours.

Evening hang-out - lots of beach-bars, "barracas" with great food, music, good atmosphere.
